MITSUBISHI MOTORS’ corporate activities are based on the “Three Principles,” which are positioned as the basic principles common to the Mitsubishi Group. We use the Three Corporate Principles, which are positioned as the common basic philosophy of the Mitsubishi Group, as the guiding principles for its corporate activities. Each and every executive and employee aims to fulfil the "Mission" and realize the "Vision" through the implementation of "the MMC WAY" and the Global Code of Conduct.
We contribute to the realization of a sustainable society while deepening mutual understanding through dialogue with various stakeholders through business activities in each country and region centered on familiar products such as cars.
The Sustainability Committee, which is chaired by the executive officer, president & CEO, confirms the risks and opportunities identified for each material issues as important issues from a long-term perspective, and deliberates and decides on the targets of initiatives based on the external environment and the needs and expectations of stakeholders from a medium-term perspective. The management system is designed to regularly check progress.