Top Message
Strengthen Human Rights Initiatives
Takao Kato
Member of the Board Representative Executive Officer, President &CEO
It is essential to address respect for human rights in order to expand our business globally and achieve sustainable growth, as well as to fulfill our corporate social responsibility. We express our support for the United Nations Global Compact, which addresses the 10 principles in the four areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, and as a participating company, we support and respect international norms and standards such as the International Bill of Human Rights and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In addition, the Group’s “Human Rights Policy” outlines the prohibition of discrimination and the elimination of unfair labor practices.
Through our human rights due diligence mechanism, we pursue human rights assessments at our company and group companies to identify and confirm the negative impact of our business activities on human rights, and to make prompt improvements in order to strengthen the prevention of human rights violations.
Moreover, suppliers are required to agree to our Supplier CSR Guidelines to promote respect for human rights in the supply chain, and we endeavor to understand the situation through CSR assessments of our suppliers by third-party evaluation organizations.
Since the automotive industry has a wide and complex range of suppliers, there are concerns about potential risks such as child labor and forced labor in the procurement of raw materials and production of parts outside of our direct suppliers. Therefore, we collaborate with our suppliers to eliminate such risks and further strengthen the prevention of human rights violations.
Given the direct and indirect impact of environmental issues on human rights, we reinforce our initiative for environmental protection including “Climate Change Countermeasures,” “Resource Recycling” and “Environmental Pollution Prevention.”
Basic Approach
Based on the idea that respect for human rights is the foundation of our business activities, MITSUBISHI MOTORS supports the “United Nations Global Compact (UNGC),” in which the United Nations advocates the 10 principles in the four categories of “human rights, labor, environment, and anticorruption.” As a participating company, we support and respect international standards and norms such as “the International Bill of Human Rights,” “the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,” “the ILO’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work,” and “the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.” Based on the 10 principles of the UNGC, as a good corporate citizen we will continue our activities toward the realization of the sustainable growth of society.
We established our “Human Rights Policy” after consultation with experts and approval by the Executive Committee, with the aim of conducting our business activities in a manner that respects the human rights of our stakeholders. This policy outlines fundamental matters such as support and respect for international standards and norms regarding human rights, and matters for compliance. The policy also stipulates specific measures to prevent and reduce negative impacts on human rights, to provide remedial measures, and to provide education for officers and employees. This policy has been translated into English and made available on our website to all employees of Group companies in Japan and overseas.
In addition, laws and regulations requiring companies to address human rights are being enacted in many countries, and the need to address human rights risks in the supply chain is rapidly increasing. Failure to comply with these laws and regulations in a timely and appropriate manner may not only violate laws and regulations, but may also cause damage to the Group’s brand image due to loss of public trust and affect the Group’s business activities, including production, development, purchasing, and sales, and may impact the Group’s business performance, financial position, and cash flow.
Specifically, the automotive industry is now being required to address broader and more complex matters, such as the move toward legislation of due diligence in the battery manufacturing process, particularly in Europe.
To appropriately respond to these demands, we are developing a due diligence policy, including a revised human rights policy.
In the MITSUBISHI MOTORS Global Code of Conduct, “Respect Human Rights and Diversity, Provide Equal Opportunity,” specifies that discrimination, retaliation and harassment are not permitted in any form or to any extent, and that the diversity of suppliers, customers, executives, employees and local communities shall be respected in addition to respecting human rights.
- The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, in the 4 areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption are recognized in the international community as universal values, which include "Support and respect for the protection of human rights," "Elimination of forced labor," "Abolition of child labor" and such.
- The International Bill of Human Rights consists of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenants on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
- The UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights are principles formulated in 2011 to materialize the UN “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework (2008) which was submitted by Professor John Ruggie of Harvard University to the United Nations Human Rights Council and unanimously approved. It also stipulates on the procedures of human rights due diligence, which is recognized as essential for companies to engage in human rights challenges.
- The ILO's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work refers to the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour, the effective abolition of child labour, the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, and a safe and healthy working environment.
Human Rights Policy
Our Human Rights Policy stipulates the following content, as well as items to be complied with and addressed.
- The purpose of this human rights policy is to ensure that Mitsubishi Motors conducts business activities with respect for the human rights of our stakeholders.
- Mitsubishi Motors recognizes that the efforts to respect human rights are essential factors in the fulfillment of our social responsibilities. All of the executives and employees within Mitsubishi Motors comply with this human rights policy.
- Mitsubishi Motors respects basic human rights in our business activities on the basis of the Corporate Mission and the MITSUBISHI MOTORS Global Code of Conduct.
Mitsubishi Motors supports and respects the following international norms and standards.
- The International Bill of Human Rights and relevant treaties on human rights
- The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and relevant standards
- The UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights
- The UN Global Compact
- Mitsubishi Motors promotes efforts to respect human rights through its relationship with stakeholders.
- Mitsubishi Motors complies with national laws and regulations in each market where we operate. Where we face conflicts between internationally recognized human rights and national laws, we will seek ways to honor the principles of international human rights.
Compliance items
Prohibition of Discrimination
Mitsubishi Motors respects diversity and strives for equal opportunities. We do not tolerate unfair discrimination or harassment on bases such as race, color of skin, nationality, ethnicity, family origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, language, or religion.
Elimination of Unjustifiable Labor Practices
Mitsubishi Motors does not accept any unjustifiable labor practices such as slavery labor, child labor, or forced labor, including human trafficking, and we strive to eliminate such labor practices.
Freedom of Association, Labor and Management Dialogue
Mitsubishi Motors respects the right of an employee to associate. We also engage in sincere dialogue and consultations with our employees or representatives of employees.
Ensuring Access to “Decent Work”
Mitsubishi Motors strives to ensure access to “Decent Work”, such as the provision of education for executives and employees, a living wage, safe and healthy workplace, and appropriate working hours.
Community Involvement
Mitsubishi Motors understands the impact of our business activities on the people of the community and promotes multicultural coexistence.
<Human Rights Due Diligence>
Mitsubishi Motors will identify, prevent, or mitigate negative impacts on human rights which may be caused by our business activities through the application and support of human rights due diligence processes.
Where Mitsubishi Motors identifies that it has caused or contributed to a negative impact on human rights, we will provide for or cooperate in legitimate internal and external processes to provide remediation.
<Ensuring Transparency and Accountability>
Mitsubishi Motors will provide appropriate education or training to all the executives and employees so that this policy is embedded in our business activities. We will ensure that our group companies comply with this policy. We will also request that our suppliers comply with the "Supplier CSR Guidelines" based on this policy. In order to ensure transparency and accountability, we will disclose our initiatives on respect for human rights through our website.
Internal policy and International standards that Mitsubishi Motors supports and respects
Management Structure
MITSUBISHI MOTORS’ efforts addressing respect for human rights are mainly focused on the sustainability,
human resources, procurement and administration divisions, with the cooperation of external agencies.
With the aim to strengthen our human rights initiative framework, we have established the Human Rights Committee in November 2024,
chaired by the Representative Executive Officer, President & CEO, to report and discuss major issues specific to human rights, while particularly important issues will be deliberated by and reported to the Board of Directors.
These issues will be shared to the departments in charge by committee member and we promote our human rights initiatives both inside and outside of the company.
In addition, we have integrated the risk of human rights violations in value chain into the Internal Control Committee’s scope of Company-wide risk management and positioned it as a priority risk with high potential impact and the urgent need for appropriate management.
As for the internal system for promoting an awareness of human rights, in FY2023 we conducted training by inviting external lectures for executives under the theme of “business and human rights,” and the Corporate Officer in charge of human resources leads the promotion of awareness training. As one aspect of our human rights awareness education, human rights themes are incorporated into shared materials used in various training programs, and in each business site human resources department works to raise employees’ human rights awareness. We also participate in events held by the Industrial Federation for Human Rights, Tokyo, and the Mitsubishi Group Human Rights Enlightenment Committee (organized by Mitsubishi Group companies), of which we are a member, and attend conferences and research meetings held by other external organizations. (In FY2023, we spent a total of 83 days participating in training sessions.) We also use the latest information obtained through our participation in these events in our human rights awareness activities and utilize the knowledge we gain from these activities in our inhouse training programs.
Human Rights Due Diligence
We have committed to identifying, preventing, or mitigating the negative impacts of its business activities on human rights through a system of human rights due diligence.
Based on this understanding, we conduct human rights assessments(*) as part of our human rights due diligence. In FY2021, we conducted human rights assessments at our headquarters and three domestic plants, and in FY2022, at Mitsubishi Motors (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (MMTh), our main production base in the ASEAN. During the assessments, we evaluated the human rights impact through employee involvement, including one-on-one interviews between evaluation organization and employees with various attributes. Using an external assessment organization ensures the objectivity of assessments and keeps them consistent with international norms.
Assessments conducted in FY2021 and FY2022 resulted in no violations that had a significant impact on the human rights of our business and employees.
In our human rights assessment activities, we are working to mitigate human rights risk through the following processes.
- Summarize assessment results
- Identify matters requiring improvement and the department in charge
- Monitor implementation status
- Report to the Sustainability Committee (improvement plans and monitoring)
- Examples of assessment items: Wages (payroll records, overtime, unfair wage deductions), child labor (employment under 15), forced labor (freedom of movement and retirement), discrimination (harassment), health and safety (training and education, evacuation disaster prevention), and remedies (consultation services) are evaluated in consultation with an external evaluation organization, using ILO standards and industry initiatives as reference.
Supply Chain Considerations
We conduct appropriate transactions, which includes not causing human rights violations against its business partners. We determine transaction prices and delivery dates following thorough consultation with individual suppliers. In addition, we promote two-way communication with our business partners through management based on the Supplier CSR Guidelines. The guidelines include provisions on respect for human rights, including the elimination of discrimination and the prohibition of child labor and forced labor, and we request that suppliers take human rights into consideration. To enhance the guidelines’ effectiveness, we obtain Supplier Commitment agreements from our business partners. In addition, based on their CSR evaluations by third-party organizations, we evaluate business partners on “labor and human rights,” and we ask them to make improvements as necessary. Furthermore, we will use AI analytical tools to analyze human rights risks in our supply chain, and if any such risks are identified, we will take measures to improve them and publish them on our website.
Access to Remedy
In order to make timely responses in cases where a human rights related issue occurs within the company, we have established internal and external consultation offices (helplines) and the MITSUBISHI MOTORS Global Hotline, which offers assistance in multiple languages for whistle blowing and consultation for employees. The MITSUBISHI MOTORS Global Hotline has established contact points in 14 countries to handle reports from employees of the Company and its major affiliates in a total of 13 languages.
We have also established the Customer Contact Center for customers and the Business Partner Helpline for suppliers. These hotlines receive reports and requests for consultations regarding human rights issues.
Confidentiality and user anonymity is guaranteed at all of these consultation offices. We ensure that whistleblowers and people who seek consultation are not treated unfairly or discriminately.
If it is determined that an investigation is necessary not only within the Company but also within the supplier, we will share and control information with the compliance staff of the supplier, and work with them to resolve the matter, agreeing in advance on prohibited actions, such as finding the informant or retaliating against the informant.