Message from the President & CEO

Message from the President & CEO

Thoroughly refining the 'MITSUBISHI MOTORS-ness,' for further growth and taking on challenges in the next era.

In recent years, sustainability issues including addressing climate change and respect for human rights have become increasingly critical in corporate management. Additionally, the development of technologies including AI and IoT has changed drastically the concept of automobiles to transport people and goods, and the automotive industry has entered a new era. Under these circumstances, MITSUBISHI MOTORS has adopted the vision of “Create vibrant society by realizing the potential of mobility” to convey our desire to contribute to the revitalization of the whole society by promoting new challenges and economic activities of individuals through the streamlining and optimization of people’s mobility. We are committed to this vision.

In pursuit of this vision, through our mid-term management plan “Challenge 2025,” we strive to build our mobility business, achieve carbon neutrality, which represents a global challenge, ensure respect for human rights, establish a workplace where diverse talent can thrive. We will also thoroughly refine our unique character, which is “the provision to customers of a fulfilling mobility life that awakens their adventurous spirit on the basis of reliability backed up by technology that achieves ‘Eco-friendly × Safety technology, Peace of Mind and Comfort’” and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society. While deepening mutual understanding through dialogue with diverse stakeholders, we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through our familiar product, namely, the vehicle.

Challenge to realize “Environmental Vision 2050.”

Currently, companies are expected to address environmental issues including climate change in order to inherit an irreplaceable global environment rich in water and greenery for the next generation and beyond. Responding to such social demands, we formulated “Environmental Vision 2050,” which defines the social vision we wish to realize by 2050 and the direction of our efforts with regard to “Climate Change Countermeasures,” “Resource Recycling,” and “Environmental Pollution Prevention,” and have been working up to its realization.

Concerning climate change countermeasures, We will continue to introduce electric vehicles, plugin hybrid vehicles and hybrid vehicles at appropriate times, as well as promote energy conservation measures in our business activities and the introduction and expansion of renewable energy, aiming to achieve carbon neutrality in the entire supply chain by 2050. We will also promote energy conservation measures in our business activities and the introduction and expansion of renewable energy. For procurement and logistics, we have cooperated with major suppliers and transportation companies to reduce CO2 emissions in the production and procurement stages of raw materials and parts, also to improve the efficiency of transportation of products and parts.

In terms of “resource recycling,” we will contribute to the realization of a resource-recycling society by minimizing resource inputs and maximizing resource efficiency through recycling-conscious design and development, promotion of end-of-life vehicle recycling, and efforts to control emissions and recycle resources in production activities. With respect to “prevention of environmental pollution,” we will contribute to the realization of a society free from environmental pollution that affects human health and ecosystems by reducing the environmental impact of our products and pollution caused by our business activities, such as cleaner driving emissions and reduction of environmentally hazardous substances.

Pursuing the Potential of Mobility

As the automotive industry faces an era of profound change, MITSUBISHI MOTORS regards digital transformation and expansion into new business fields as new seeds for growth, and we will continue to strengthen these initiatives. Some of our notable initiatives are that we utilize used batteries as mobile batteries to help coordinate the supply and demand of electricity, and also we conducted demonstration tests to use the vehicle batteries to as emergency power sources in case of power cuts due to natural disasters. While exploring the potential of business opportunities unique to an automobile manufacturer, such as the utilization of batteries, and collaborating with other industries, we will promote the establishment of a foundation for full-scale development to make it a new pillar of earnings.

Creating Fulfilling Workplaces and Investing in Human Resource Development

Amid rapid changes in the business environment and an aging society with a declining birthrate, it is essential for us to attract, develop, and retain a diverse workforce with high aspirations and expertise in order to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value. Furthermore, employee retention strategy is essential. Recognizing that human resources are management capital, we are committed to creating an environment in which each employee can feel fulfilled, fully demonstrate his or her abilities, and work in a healthy and energetic atmosphere, both physically and mentally.

With “building a better place to work,” “enhancing learning opportunities /reskilling programs,” and “cultivating a diverse workforce” as the direction of human resources strategy in support of the mid-term management plan “Challenge 2025,” by reviewing systems and measures related to reform of work styles and development, as priority items, we will promote the establishment of a workplace in which each and every employee is motivated to work and the development of human resources

Ongoing Strengthening of Efforts to Respect Human Rights

It is essential to address respect for human rights in order to expand our business globally and achieve sustainable growth, as well as to fulfill our corporate social responsibility. We express our support for the United Nations Global Compact, which addresses the 10 principles in the four areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, and as a participating company, we support and respect international norms and standards such as the International Bill of Human Rights and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In addition, the Group’s “Human Rights Policy” outlines the prohibition of discrimination and the elimination of unfair labor practices.

Through our human rights due diligence mechanism, we pursue human rights assessments at our company and group companies to identify and confirm the negative impact of our business activities on human rights, and to make prompt improvements in order to strengthen the prevention of human rights violations.

Moreover, suppliers are required to agree to our Supplier CSR Guidelines to promote respect for human rights in the supply chain, and we endeavor to understand the situation through CSR assessments of our suppliers by third-party evaluation organizations.

Since the automotive industry has a wide and complex range of suppliers, there are concerns about potential risks such as child labor and forced labor in the procurement of raw materials and production of parts outside of our direct suppliers. Therefore, we collaborate with our suppliers to eliminate such risks and further strengthen the prevention of human rights violations.

Given the direct and indirect impact of environmental issues on human rights, we reinforce our initiative for environmental protection including “Climate Change Countermeasures,” “Resource Recycling” and “Environmental Pollution Prevention.”

Enhancement of Sustainable Management

Based on the recognition that addressing sustainability issues is the pillar of the Group’s management, directors and general managers are appointed to be responsible for all fourteen materialities, and the Sustainability Committee, which I chair, confirms the progress of the initiatives. Significant matters, such as climate change measures, are reported to and deliberated by the Board of Directors.

Sustainable management requires a shared awareness among all executives and employees. To this end, “CO2 emissions from business activities” and “employee engagement” are incorporated as indicators for determining mid- to long-term performance-linked remuneration for executives. I strive to raise employee awareness of the importance of sustainability by repeatedly communicating the importance of sustainability putting my thoughts into words through town hall meetings and other opportunities.

Through the various initiatives described above, we will continue to enhance and strengthen our governance, placing the highest priority on compliance, while aiming to provide value that meets the expectations of our customers, shareholders, and all other stakeholders.

We will reinforce our group-wide sustainable management with a prominent level of transparency going forward.

Member of the Board
Representative Executive Officer, President & CEO
Takao Kato