Shareholder Return

About Dividends

Dividend Policy

MMC considers returning profits to its shareholders one of the most important tasks of management.

In the automobile industry, there is great demand for capital in order for companies to achieve sustainable growth, such as through further promotion of technological innovations and environmental efforts; therefore, it is our basic policy to maintain the stable distribution of profits to shareholders after comprehensively considering cash flows and business performance.

Dividends Trend

Dividends Trend
Interim Dividend Year-End Dividend Annual Dividend
FY2024 ¥7.5 ¥7.5 (Forecast) ¥15 (Forecast)
FY2023 ¥5 ¥5 ¥10
FY2022 ¥0 ¥5 ¥5
FY2021 ¥0 ¥0 ¥0
FY2020 ¥0 ¥0 ¥0

Shareholders' Benefits

Currently, we offer no shareholder benefit program. If the Company makes such a program, it will be announced through a press release or other measures.