Stakeholder Engagement

Basic Approach

Stakeholder Identification

MITSUBISHI MOTORS believes that its stakeholder relationships is important to its achievement of sustainable corporate growth, through dialogue and other forms of engagement, the Mitsubishi Motors Group clarifies its responsibilities and issues, and strives on a daily basis to improve its operations.
By further deepening dialogue with our diverse stakeholders, we will continue to sincerely address society’s expectations and challenges and incorporate our understanding of them into our business activities.

Dialogue with Stakeholders

Stakeholders Policies on Dialogue Opportunities for Dialogue Frequency Reflecting Input in Our Business
Consumers and customers Promote activities that better reflect customer input in our products and services. Customer Contact Center, sales companies, after-sales services Ongoing

Promoting customer satisfaction activities

Improving products and services

Website, social networks Ongoing
Customer satisfaction surveys As necessary
Events, TV/newspaper/magazine advertising, email magazine As necessary
Business partners Engage in communication aimed at coexistence and coprosperity based on mutual trust. Contact for inquiries, Business Partner Helpline Ongoing Building relationships aimed at coexistence and coprosperity based on mutual trust
Suppliers Meeting, presentations, events, specialized websites As necessary
Participation in industry organizations As necessary
Shareholders and investors Disclose business and financial information and results in an appropriate manner and time.
Conduct constructive dialogue aimed at sustainable growth and enhanced corporate value
IR inquiry contacts Ongoing Promoting initiatives Targeting sustainable growth and enhanced corporate value
Interviews As necessary
Financial results briefings Four times per year
Mid-term business plan briefings As necessary
Individual initiative briefings As necessary
Shareholders’ Meeting Once per year
IR websites Ongoing
Events, email magazines As necessary
Integrated report Once per year
Employees Two-way communication for fostering teamwork and a sense of unity based on the principle of mutual trust and mutual responsibility between labor and management. Labor management discussions As necessary Creating a safe and rewarding working environment
Consultation offices (Employee Consultation Office, Outside attorney consultation (Helpline), MITSUBISHI MOTORS Global Hotline) Ongoing
Town hall meetings with Executives As necessary
Internal websites Ongoing
Engagement survey Once per year
Local communities Build good relations with local communities.
Engage in dialogue with diverse stakeholders to resolve social and environmental issues.
Local community consultation desks, websites Ongoing Promoting initiatives to resolve social and environmental issues
Collaborations with municipalities As necessary
Social contributions As necessary
Community events As necessary
Plant tours Ongoing

Local communities

Local communities

We contribute to the realization of resilient communities through activities that meet local needs. As examples of activities that take advantage of our products’ distinctive characteristics, after concluding disaster cooperation agreements with local governments, we provide support by loaning “MITSUBISHI MOTORS PHEVs” that can tap power they have generated themselves for use in emergencies. We will support the safety and security of the lives of local people with “the Power of PHEV Driving” and “the Power of Electricity.”