Mitsubishi Motors unveils Indonesian Electric Vehicle research scheme

Car manufacturer to provide 10 vehicles as part of studies which will map new course for Indonesian automotive sector.

Tokyo, February 26, 2018
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TOKYO, February 26, 2018 – Mitsubishi Motors has today presented 8 units of Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV plug-in hybrid SUV, 2 units of i-MiEV pure electric vehicle, and 4 units of battery charger to the Indonesian Government.
The top-of-the-range vehicles are being provided by Mitsubishi Motors as part of a joint study with the Ministry of Industry (MOI) into the development of Indonesia's rapidly growing electric vehicle infrastructure.
The vehicles will feature in a series of studies modelling how Indonesia's existing transport infrastructure can accommodate electric vehicles.
The studies will assess the use of electric vehicles in different environments, including cities, tourist areas and remote islands.
Meanwhile, the study will track the energy management potential of electric vehicles, examining the use of the Outlander PHEV as a storage resource.
Osamu Masuko, Chief Executive Officer of Mitsubishi Motors, said: "Today is an important moment, for Mitsubishi Motors, for the Indonesian Government and for the people of Indonesia who stand to benefit from increased car ownership, more connected communities and a safer, greener environment."
Mr. Masuko added: "We see Indonesia as one of the most promising markets in south-east Asia, with a young population eager to unlock the opportunities car ownership provides. These opportunities bring with them challenges, such as balancing the drive towards greater car ownership with the need to protect the environment."
Today's ceremony is the latest in a string of major announcement from Mitsubishi Motors in Indonesia, with the Corporation having unveiled the new Bekasi production facility in April last year.
Mitsubishi Motors has been trading in Indonesia since the formation of the company in 1970s, and has strong relationships with local partners across the country.