Mitsubishi Motors Announces Production, Sales and Export Figures for January 2017

Tokyo, February 27, 2017
Production/Sales/Export Performance

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Fiscal Year 2016
Calendar Year 2017
Volume YoY(%) Volume YoY(%) Volume YoY(%)
Production Domestic Production 49,548 87.4 413,349 79.7 49,548 87.4
Overseas Production* 45,299 105.0 442,362 96.4 45,299 105.0
Total 94,847 95.0 855,711 87.6 94,847 95.0
Sales *
Registrations Total 2,678 67.1 22,720 71.7 2,678 67.1
Minicars Total 4,128 89.4 34,195 79.0 4,128 89.4
Grand Total 6,806 79.0 56,915 76.0 6,806 79.0
ExportsTotal 26,604 86.3 310,196 89.2 26,604 86.3
[ Summary : January 2017 ]
< Domestic Production >
January 2017・・・Ninth consecutive monthly year-on-year decrease since April, 2016
( 87.4% year-on-year )
< Overseas Production >
January 2017・・・Second consecutive monthly year-on-year increase since November, 2016
( 105.0% year-on-year )
< Total Production >
January 2017・・・First monthly year-on-year deacrease in two months since November, 2016
( 95.0% year-on-year )
< Domestic Sales >
January 2017・・・First consecutive monthly year-on-year decrease since December, 2016
( 79.0% year-on-year )
< Exports >
January 2017・・・Ninth consecutive monthly year-on-year decrease since April, 2016
( 86.3% year-on-year )
 Supplemental Information 
< Overseas Production >
  • Asia
  • ( 44,279 units  : 
  • 103.0% year-on-year )
< Exports >
  • Asia
  • (      588 units  : 
  •   39.1% year-on-year )
  • North America
  • (   8,045 units  : 
  • 109.1% year-on-year )
  • Europe
  • (   7,420 units  : 
  •   74.9% year-on-year )